
I had always wanted to visit a church in Jamaica. I imagined it as a place full of joy and spirit.

Recently my friend and I had an opportunity to attend a service there, I was not disappointed.

The church had a roof and walls but no windows, as you sat in the pews you could look out and see the tropical flowers and trees. We were made to feel welcome right away. People were dressed up as if they were going to a fancy party.

It started out like any other church service that I have attended, scriptures were read, and songs were sung. Suddenly someone handed me a tambourine and I became very self conscious. I tapped it gently, not really wanting to call attention to myself.  The lady who had invited us took the tambourine away from me and shook it like there was no tomorrow. She did a much better job that I had.

After the third song I felt myself start to become very emotional. I got choked up and my eyes filled with tears. I felt like I had come home to a place that I had been missing all of my life. I looked over at my friend and she also had tears running down her face. We smiled at each other through our tears. We hadn’t realized we should bring tissues to church.

At the end of the service they asked if anyone would like to come to the front and to be prayed for. I told me friend she should go. Secretly I wanted to, but certainly didn’t want to go alone. Slowly people started to go the front so we decided it was ok to go as well.

Eventually everyone in the congregation was at the front of the church. Some people were being prayed for and others were doing the praying. A man asked me what I would like him to pray about. I said “I have no idea; this was my first time having someone offer this to me.” I felt the healing energy flow through me once again as tears rolled down my face. Some people were softly talking and others were yelling and hugging. One woman ended up on the floor as she was overcome with energy and emotion.

The people of the church were asking God to help everyone. All of those who were open to receiving his healing energy. They were intending for God’s love to flow, to help people release tension, fear and worry.

When we put down heavy emotions we automatically make room for love and joy to flow to us and through us.

This is what happens when people come for Soul Connections sessions. God’s energy flows through me to my clients. It helps them to put down their heavy burdens that they have been carrying around for far too long. Once they begin to learn how to release they become lighter and happier. Now goodness has room to flow to them and through them. God’s energy does 90% of the work the other 10% us up to us. We have to remember what we think about we get more of.  So remember to think of things that bring you happiness and joy and make you feel loved. For me this means; I remember to smell the flowers, to laugh with anyone who is willing to be silly with me, to stare up at the sky whether its night or day, to lie on the ground and feel earth’s energy, giving and getting hugs, spreading love and kindness. Let’s sprinkle that shit everywhere.
